LYBL Cares
Live Your Best Life Global's ES&G Focused Philanthropic Program
At LYBL Global, we strongly believe that everyone should have some level of responsibility to their immediate environment and the wider world around them.
A care of duty to their community, for the greater good of Humanity.
Our desire to give back to the community and attain as much positive impact as possibly has culminated in our philanthropic endeavour that we call LYBL CARES.
We have great affection for the countries we visit and a deep respect for all cultures. We are proudly Nigerian and very conscious of the challenges faced in Nigeria, West Africa and Africa as a whole. A plight shared by those most in need in virtually every country in the world with high concentrations in South East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
We pledge to do as much as we can to help.
Promotion of Small Businesses
We are proud to promote hundreds of hard-working small to medium businesses, small vendors, and also anyone trying to make an honest living in all the cities wherein we have created travel guides, by showcasing a directory of these businesses in the Rolodex section of our travel guides. This is one of the ways we support such businesses and also make it easier for customers who need their services to find them easily online through our travel guides.

We are passionate about empowering entrepreneurs and small businesses, and as we expand as a brand, we promise to give back to Africa, West Africa, Nigeria, any communities we visit and the wider world at large, as much as we can in the following ways:
- Monetary donations to outstanding charities already doing outstanding work
- Our own direct initiatives to ensure we assess and support those who need it most
- Researching and also analyzing impact-driven charities that we can support, partner with bring further awareness and publicity,
- Educating the masses on causes and human rights campaigns that don’t get their due attention.

Championing Tradespeople & Small Vendors
We are keen to champion tradespeople, artisans, craftsmen, small vendors, traders and small enterprises and assist them, we also patronise, employ or support as many people as we can to stand on their feet and, “fish for themselves” (As the adage goes, we believe in sustainably teaching a man how to fish instead of temporarily and tactically giving a man fish that may only last a day).

Speaking of sustainability on our travels, where possible, we aim to continuously implement sustainable tourism & practices that are environmentally responsible and kinder to the environment. We are passionate about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and we are constantly to make a difference through our contributions, whether small or big.
We hope for the attainment of these goals around the world and to play our part in genuinely making the world a better place through our upcoming LYBL Cares Projects.
Watch this space for further details of our work.

LYBL CARES is an educational and philanthropic journey, and we would love to have you come along with us, as it is our wish that we have a two-way interaction between locals everywhere we go and have them educate us on how we can support them, and they, show us how they live, to give the western culture a glimpse of their lifestyle.
We are very much interconnected, and we pledge to act responsibly in kind as we look forward to working together, as we desire that we do whatever we can in our way to help our fellow man and the planet at large.

Watch this space as we showcase our research, case studies, and sustainable goals-aligned projects, which include using our creative skills, such as music and content creation, to help tackle the main issues in our society.
Our 1st Area of Focus is the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 - Gender Equality
“Women are the backbone and caregivers of our communities. Empowering women and girls as half the world population, also empowers the entire world. The more that women that can be financially empowered, the more this prosperity will in turn be used to pull up our communities and our children. There is an immediate knock on effect on the rest of society and a massive ROI for every Dollar of pay parity that is closed and for every Iota of income that a Woman is able to earn on her own. I hope to also focus on girls in due course, as we must educate and support all children to equip them for the brightest future possible. This is our pledge at LYBL Cares.”
Our Founder – Waliyah Abiola, has partnered with an esteemed institution – Wintrade Global, as their newest ambassador. Wintrade Global is an organisation that is dedicated to empowering, supporting and educating women at every stage of their entrepreneurial journey.
Waliyah is passionate about the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and sees this partnership as a first step in her belief that all women who have any sort of means, energy and time should try to contribute what they can whether little or large towards addressing the gender pay gap.
Waliyah looks forward to a successful partnership with WINTRADE, an admirable and brilliant organisation who already has an amazing track record of helping women to develop and be successful in business and to add even more value to the global workforce and economy.
Wintrade empowers women with knowledge transfer and opportunities to excel in business.
Waliyah’s ambassadorship includes the sponsorship of 10 women with WIN TRADE memberships including training and access to career and entrepreneurial advancement.
She will also be an active part of the network with regards to seminars, sharing her experiences and participating in WINTRADE events designed to facilitate professional networking and helping to boost business growth for women at every stage of the entrepreneurial journey from startups to scale-ups, marketing, sales and upgrading personal branding and visibility.
Find out more about WINTRADE GLOBAL at https://wintradeglobal.com
Waliyah executed the following:
- Created a detailed Target Operating Model and engaging pitch documents for an innovative NGO striving to tackle one of the world’s most urgent challenges. The work involved helping them refine their purpose, set clear goals, and map out a practical plan for implementation and execution.
- Crafted Documents on the development of strategic frameworks for economic growth and transformation in 4 States in Nigeria, with a focus on fostering sustainable development and impactful solutions.
- Worked on initiatives designed to empower women in driving progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, while ensuring alignment with the African Development Agenda.
Q3-Q4, 2023 UPDATES
Waliyah will be leading a Mentoring Workshop for the Youth at Universal Peace Federation in Central London. This seminar designed for university students will focus on their transition from students to working graduates and the use Tech & AI in their future careers in order to galvanise financial empowerment and active participation in the global economy.
Waliyah will be holding a Women’s Personal and Professional development workshop with WINTRADE Global – this May to June.
Waliyah will be Supporting Basira.org (British Arabs Supporting Women’s Rights) towards the organisation of their panel discussion on Women’s Rights at the Houses of Parliament, Westminster.
The Event Title is Engaging with Muslim Women: Perspectives on The Bloom Report as pertains to the physical safety of women on UK soil.
Waliyah received an “Ambassador for Peace” award from the Universal Peace Federation in recognition of her positive contributions to UN related values and practice.
This promotes universal moral values transcending racial, national and religious barriers and the contribution to the fulfilment of the hope of all ages, a unified world of peace wherein the spiritual and material dimensions of life are harmonised.
Follow us @lyblglobal to learn more.